image/svg+xmlHealthy ClimateConnecting foodand climatefor people,nature andour planetHealthy LandscapeReshapingurban-rural linkagesfor more resilientfood value chainsHealthy PeopleMaking healthyfood accessibleand affordableto allboth in andaround cities

Healthy Climate

Connecting food and climate for people, nature and our planet

Healthy Landscape

Reshaping urban-rural linkages for more resilient food value chains

Healthy People

Making healthy food accessible and affordable to all - both in and around cities

The CityFood Program

CityFood is a flagship program of ICLEI that aims to accelerate local and regional government action toward sustainable food systems transformation. It spans a number of projects and initiatives across all of ICLEI’s Regional Offices and brings together local and regional governments as well as critical global and regional partners. Our clear mandate is leveraging the power of food for resilient futures.


CityFood brings together urban food experts from across the globe to support cities in their transition towards sustainable food systems. From food procurement to fresh food markets and waste, CityFood helps address the most pressing food challenges cities are facing. Be part of the CityFood program!


About CityFood
