CFS52: Cities as agents of change in agrifood systems: the role of inclusive multi-stakeholder governance from local to global level
FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 - Rome Italy

Are you planning to attend CFS52 in person in Rome or to watch it online? Do join ICLEI, FAO and GAIN for an exciting session on the importance of multi-stakeholder governance for an effective transformation of urban agrifood systems.
Event description
Urban agrifood systems feed most of the global population. They are essential to the wellbeing, health and prosperity of communities and the environment. There are multiple points of leverage within urban agrifood systems to inclusively, equitably and justly transform food systems into ways that are locally meaningful and owned. Cities, with their routine governance relationship with communities and the surrounding landscape, are key to accelerating and effectively accessing these opportunities. They can respond agilely to changing circumstances and bring together multiple actors, for transformation.
However, the goal of sustainable, resilient urban agrifood systems is challenged by the complex intersection with other systems like climate and biodiversity as well as technical and financial constraints, competing mandates, and lack of coordinated, coherent policies within city administrations and across multiple levels of government. Urgent action, led by national and local governments, is needed to build institutional capacity and foster inclusive governance.
This event will focus on the pivotal role of cities in urban agrifood system transformation. Examples of successful multi-stakeholder action at local level - on concrete topics such as food loss and waste and public food markets - will be presented. Moving from the local to the global level, the event will then discuss the need for greater collaboration of urban agrifood systems actors globally - including governments, city networks, international organizations, NGOs, and research institutions to drive collective action on urban agrifood systems.
- Corinna Hawkes, Director, Division of Food Systems and Food Safety, FAO
- Zhimin Wu, Director, Forestry Division, FAO
- Grace Kaziya, Director, Department of Housing and Social Services, City of Lusaka (Zambia)
- Abel Dabula, Mozambique Programme Director, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
- Lilian dos Santos Rahal, National Secretary for Food and Nutrition Security, Government of Brazil
- Jacques Kossowski, Mayor, City of Courbevoie (France)
Time: 24 October 2024, 8:30-9:45 CET
Location: FAO Headquarters (Sheikh Zayed Centre) & online
To register for this specific session (online or in person), please click here.
For the general CFS52 registration, please click here.
Event summary accessible here.