One Planet SFS Conference: Pursuing win-wins for nutrition and the environment through a food systems approach

Organized by the One Planet Network Sustainable Food Systems Program, its 4th global conference will look at how food systems need to be transformed to overcome multiple crises and achieve the SDGs. Based on concrete examples, the conference will look at main barriers and bottlenecks in relation to food systems transformation, discuss solutions and release a series of actionable recommendations.
As part of the conference, ICLEI will co-host a side event together with UN-Nutrition, UNEP, FAO, Rikolto, Hivos, and the governments of Costa Rica and Switzerland.
Titled "Pursuing win-wins for nutrition and the environment through a food systems approach", the event will provide a framework for understanding interlinkages between nutrition and the environment through a food systems approach, including tools for assessing them, and concrete examples of integrated local policies. Cities indeed consume up to 70% of the world’s food supply and thus play a central role in achieving sustainable food systems with positive nutrition and environmental outcomes. The event will notably discuss the available policy options to incentivize dietary shifts and support innovative, sustainable practices at every food systems stage.
Speakers include:
- Stineke Oenema, Executive Secretary, UN Nutrition
- Roberto Azofeifa, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Costa Rica
- Steven Stone, Deputy Director, Economy Division, UNEP
- Tom Arnold, Irish Government’s Special Envoy for Food Systems
- Alwin Kopse, Head International Affairs and Food Systems, Federal Office for Agriculture, Switzerland
- Adilson Pires, Secretary of Social Assistance, Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Rose Achieng, Agri-Nutrition Coordinator, Department of Agriculture, Kisumu County, Kenya
- Nyoman Artha, Director, Pasar Rakyat, Bali
- Runyararo Esther Chibota, Hivos Regional Coordinator Urban Futures Programme, Hivos Hub SAf, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Nancy Aburto, Deputy Director, Food and Nutrition Division, FAO
To register for virtual participation, please click here.
Date & time: April 26, 13:00-14:30 CET / 18:00-19:30 Viet-Nam time