Become a FoodCLIC Broadening City-Region!

FoodCLIC Broadening

African and European cities, towns, rural centres and city-regions now have another opportunity to move towards sustainable food systems transformation by joining a group of pilot city-regions as part of the FoodCLIC project, which aims to create resilient and connected rural-urban food environments.


In the framework of the FoodCLIC project, ICLEI brings together stakeholders from politics, science and civil society to support the development of integrated urban food policies - i.e. policies that facilitate accessible and available healthy and sustainably produced food for all people particularly vulnerable communities. Given how interconnected food concerns are with other (policy) sectors, ICLEI wants to ensure that urban planning always incorporates food considerations.


Consequently, interested African or European cities, city-regions, provinces, areas, towns, townships and urban or rural centres with a common governing body are invited to apply and become a FoodCLIC Broadening city-region. By creating cross-learning experiences across all participating municipalities, FoodCLIC seeks to co-adapt its project approach, outputs and learnings to different political, legal, institutional, socio-economic and cultural contexts. In this way, FoodCLIC will promote activities related to local food policy and support networks including diverse stakeholder groups.


By participating in FoodCLIC, Broadening city-regions will join a cohort of other city-regions committed to sustainable food systems transformation including ICLEI Members Aarhus (Denmark), Budapest (Hungary), Berlin (Germany), Barcelona (Spain), and Lisbon (Portugal) as well as Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Lucca (Italy), and Brasov (Romania). Through direct exchange, workshops and participation in on- and offline events, all participating city-regions will have the opportunity to:

  • Share experiences and successes in order to exchange learnings.
  • Receive support in establishing suitable science-policy-practice connections to strengthen food system
  • Advance a structured approach by developing a work plan, a situation analysis and data maps, a clear vision and strategic pathways.


City-regions can apply now to become a member of the FoodCLIC Broadening group. Apply by 15 March 2024!


Learn more about FoodCLIC here.

Learn more about the FoodCLIC Broadening and the application process here.

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