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26 Jan 2024
How can local communities and governments work together to foster a sustainable future in Africa’s food systems? Luke Metelerkamp explores how municipal fresh...
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19 Jan 2024
Through this project, CityFood aims to leverage the potential of fresh food markets for resilient urban food systems.
AfriFOODlinks is an EU funded project that aims to improve food and nutrition security, while delivering positive outcomes for climate and the environment, and building...
10 Oct 2023
This one-hour event will bring several high-level representatives together to advocate for healthy school meals and food education for every child in every school...
13 Feb 2023
ICLEI Europe alongside more than 280 civil society and trade union organisations have signed a joint letter to urge Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to...
FoodForRebuilding aims to provide insight on the recent crises affecting the South African food system and their impacts with major focus on the Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal...
The annual #AfricanCITYFOODmonth campaign highlights diverse, innovative and evolving African urban food systems.
Phase2 of FS-Invest builds upon the work undertaken in 2020 to: 1. Support local governments to strive towards building nourishing and resilient city-region food...