SALSIFI aims to develop and implement an innovative transnational education programme reinforcing the capacity of CSA networks and civil servants at local, regional, national and EU levels to engage in collaborative public food policy-making processes. The education and training programme will particularly target people associated with locally supported (LSPA) initiatives and CSA networks, and civil servants in local, regional, and national administrations whose work can influence the support of sustainable local food systems. SALSIFI will develop a modular training programme addressing three themes: building a collective understanding of how to engage in institutional processes and create relevant spaces for advocacy at EU level; increasing participant understanding of how to collectively position at the local level; and sharing best practices for collaborative local policy making on sustainable food systems.
NB: the European Commission's support for the production of publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

SALSIFI's Advocacy Learning Platform
#Resource, #Webinar
Interested in sharing knowledge and strengthening staff capacity to engage in collaborative institutional processes? The EU-funded SALSIFI project recently launched...
SALSIFI: Policy Training for Agroecology Partnerships
Four new courses are exploring successful partnerships for agroecology, in the framework of the SALSIFI project.

Podcast: A conversation with Claudia Paltrinieri, the founder of
In this podcast episode, Peter Defranceschi interviews Claudia Paltrinieri, the founder of, an italian advocacy campaign aiming to boost the quality...