Podcast: A conversation with Claudia Paltrinieri, the founder of Foodinsider.it
As part of the EU-funded project SALSIFI, Peter Defranceschi (ICLEI's Global CityFood Program Coordinator) interviewed Claudia Paltrinieri, the founder of Foodinsider.it. Foodinsider.it is a an advocacy campaign led by parents throughout Italy with a view to boost the quality of public school meals in the country. It became an association and today works as an observatory publishing a yearly ranking of school kitchens.
The European project SALSIFI (Supporting Advanced Learning for Stakeholders Involved in Sustainable Food systems Initiatives) aims to develop and implement an innovative transnational education program reinforcing the capacity of CSA networks and civil servants at local, regional, national, and EU levels to engage in collaborative public food policy-making processes.
For more information about SALSIFI, please click here.

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