Launched in November 2020, COACH (Collaborative Agri-food Chains: Driving Innovation in Territorial Food Systems and Improving Outcomes for Producers and Consumers) is a three-year EU-funded project that aims to facilitate collaboration between farmers, consumers, local governments and other actors to scale up short agri-food chains which rebalance farmers’ position, create win-wins for producers and consumers ,and drive innovation in territorial food systems.
To do so, the project will:
1) Develop a series of emblematic good practice examples from 12 countries which demonstrate how farmers can access consumer-driven opportunities to improve their incomes and rebalance their position in food chains;
2) Deliver a knowledge-based suite of activities to support farmers and small operators to access information on consumer demand and improve their capacity to connect with consumers;
3) Provide new insights and guidance on the costs and margins for each link in the supply chain, demonstrating opportunities for improved incomes for farmers and small operators and reduced costs for intermediaries;
4) Design a ‘Farm-to-Fork procurement toolkit’ for public authorities in order to improve sharing of experience and help them design appropriate tenders for healthy and fresh food supplied by small-scale producers and also to support farmers to know how to access these opportunities.
For more information about COACH, please visit the project website.

Farm-to-fork procurement toolkit
#Resource, #External Link, #Project Deliverable
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