

Farm to Fork procurement for resilient food regions
Procurement Policy Healthy LandscapeHealthy People
Brussels, Belgium

This session will show the potential of public canteens, and in particular schools, as catalysts for sustainable food system transformation within the EU's Farm-to-Fork...

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Changing the food system through collaborative agri-food chains & sustainable public procurement
Healthy LandscapeHealthy People

#Video, #Resource,

The video introduces three key resources to translate sustainable food system principles into procurement strategies and tender criteria.

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EU-wide petition asking for a healthy school meal for every child in every EU school
Healthy People

In the framework of the Buy Better Food campaign, ICLEI Europe has launched an EU-wide petition asking for "A healthy school meal for every child in every EU school"...

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Synthesis report: Urban Food Systems Dialogues
Sixteen Urban Food Systems Dialogues for the United Nations Food Systems Summit – Synthesis Report
Policy Healthy ClimateHealthy LandscapeHealthy People

#Resource, #Report,

This report summarizes the main outcomes of the dialogues that were conducted under partnership between ICLEI and the FAO in contribution to the United Nations Food...

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